- Dedicated anesthesia teams of anesthesiologists, CRNA’s and anesthesia assistants.
- Full team of pediatric trained registered nurses
- Licensed surgery centers designed for dentistry
- AAAHC accreditation
- Robust life safety equipment

How We Treat Our Patients
We are passionate about kids, great dentistry, safe anesthesia, and making affordable health care accessible to everyone.


- We work with most insurances, including Medicaid and CHIP
- Bilingual staff and translation services
- Most appointments scheduled within 2 weeks

- Our primary focus each day is safe anesthesia for dental patients.
- Treatment at our facilities eliminates the need for multiple dental visits, physical restraints, and trauma for the patients and parents.
- Ongoing peer reviews
The Patient Process
Be Referred
If you need treatment at a Blue Cloud facility, your dentist will send us a referral on your behalf. If they haven’t heard of us, tell them!
Answer the Call
We’ll call you within 24 hours. Be sure to answer our call! Remember- it will come from a number you don’t recognize.
Come for Your Exam
Be sure not to miss your scheduled exam. Your child cannot be treated without one!
Come for Your Treatment
Be prepared for your child’s scheduled procedure. Do not allow them to eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure!
Back to Normal
After your child’s treatment, you’ll go back to your normal dental office for your ongoing check-ups.
About Your Visit

Is it really that important to get my child’s dental work done?
Play Video
Your Visit at a Blue Cloud Pediatric Surgery Center
Play VideoHow to Prepare for General Anesthesia

Be Patient
Expect your visit to take between 2-5 hours.

Do Not Eat
Patients must not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your procedure. If your child does not come fasting, we WILL NOT be able to treat them due to safety concerns.

Bring a Change of Clothes
Bring an extra set of clothes for your child, just in case of an accident!

Be Flexible
We often don’t know exact treatment needs until a child is sedated, which means it isn’t possible to know exactly how long each procedure will take. As such, your child may be seen sooner or later than expected.

This is a Surgery Center
We will not rush the care of another child, just as we would never rush the care of yours!

Come Healthy
If your child is sick on the day of the procedure or has congestion in the lungs or throat, their treatment will need to be rescheduled.

Do Not Brush
Do not brush your child’s teeth the morning of the procedure.

Bring Toys or Games
Bring toys or games to keep your child, and any other children, entertained while waiting for the completion of the procedure.
What they’re saying

Frequently Asked Questions
What insurances do you accept?
We work with most insurances, including Medicaid and CHIP. Contact us for specific insurance inquiries!
Do we offer payment plans?
Yes! Contact our billing department for more information about our payment plan program.
Are siblings or other children allowed to attend the appointment?
Yes! Children or other siblings may attend the appointment. Just a friendly reminder though, this is a hospital setting and the procedure may last 2-5 hours. Keep this in mind when deciding who to bring to the surgery center.
Are parents allowed in the room for the procedure?
No. Only pertinent dental/medical staff are allowed in the operating room in order to comply with various standards our facilities are held accountable to. Parents should accompany their child prior to the procedure and in recovery following the completion of the procedure.
Does the parent or guardian need to remain at the surgery center during the procedure?
Yes. Questions about the patient’s dental or health care needs may arise during the procedure and the parent or guardian is needed to answer these questions and be available to make important decisions.
Will my child be completely asleep?
Yes! Anesthesiologists will administer general anesthesia and monitor your child while they are completely asleep.
Does my child need to come with me if a consultation is required?
Yes! The purpose of the consultation is to examine your child in-person and submit the necessary authorizations your insurance requires.
*Services may vary based on location. Please contact the surgery center nearest you for more information.